Hey Dotty! Welcome to the board. It was great reading your story... and I am glad that you are feeling so much more confident!
Oh.. and Mouthy.. the night is young and so are you, precious!
i have been with the board now for a few months now, mostly lurking and posting occaisionally and i love the support and even the opposition that everyone has shown here.
i know that most newbies do post their "story", and even tho i'm not technically a newbie here anymore, i would like you all that i meet in chat & on the board to know a bit more about me and my jw background.
this could be a long post but thanks for taking the time to read it !
Hey Dotty! Welcome to the board. It was great reading your story... and I am glad that you are feeling so much more confident!
Oh.. and Mouthy.. the night is young and so are you, precious!
for me the most boring activity is filling out income tax forms.
i find the most boring person is the dali lama.
just looking at him makes me feel bored.
Sitting on a straightbacked chair, in a white room, with no windows, no music, no books, or anything. An empty white room. For four hours. That's boring.
happy new year jw.com !!
,i haven`t posted much over the holidays as i have been away.when i got back,my computer worked for a bit,then it shut down.it is just today i have got it up and running..i was going through the threads i had missed and came across 2..count-em..2 flame threads from friday meant for me,lol!!
the biggest:"ways of the weasel"got 121 posts and 1920 views..cool!..
<with hearts in her eyes>
<I heart outlaws!>
i am looking for a russian-speaking friend that i can talk to.
the only requirement i have is that they be a spiritual jehovah's witness.
i do not care whether baptized or unbaptized.
Hey! That guy above me ^^^^^^^ looks like a Russian! <Athanasius> More like a Russian spy, though.
does anyone have any really embarrassing stories?
my worst story: when i was 15 i went to a slumber party at my best friends house.
i couldn't sleep so i got up to watch tv with her older brother.
I was sitting at the front of the Kingdom Hall with my friends. My brothers, and the guy I had a crush on were sitting in the back rows. I went into the bathroom. When I returned I walked up the aisle to my seat. I heard my brothers guffawing, and snickers from the congregation. I didn't pay much attention. After the final prayer, a sister walked up to me and told me my skirt was tucked into my panty hose. Egads! <blushes>
i have been doing some research on the condition add/adhd and came across a list of names of people who have this condition.
this runs in my family and only recently have i been diagnosed with this , which was a real eye opener, and if only i had known about this as a child some things would have been more easily understood by my parents.
i have two children with this condition, and for the time being, have decided agaisnt medication for them.
My son was diagnosed with borderline ADHD. I fought medication until he was 12 or so, but it just became too unmanageable. He really did well on the medication, but quit taking it at 14 because he didn't like the way it made him feel. Since he could walk, he's been hell on wheels. Not a bad kid at all, just BUSY BUSY BUSY and LOUD! ack! I was always in the office for this that or the other. He finally went to go live with his Father last year because I couldn't deal with his teenagerhood.. hehehhe. His Dad keeps a pretty good rein on him, and Mom (I have ADD I think) misses him much, but is somewhat relieved!
I tried the diet stuff, but slacked off all the time, or the school, or his Dad would slack off.
we have had some pretty amasing classic comedy in britian over the years.. faulty towers, the office, alan partridge,ali g etc.mind you weve had some very crap sit-com 2.4 kids etc.. who does it better the brits or the yanks?.
sorry ozzies cant think of any from down under.
Definitely the Brits. Wow! The have the most dry senses of hummer...hehhehh.
edited by - gerard on 14 january 2003 16:37:19.
Hehheh.. did I spell it right this time? <looks around> Russell was killed on a train? I didn't know that. Is there a link you can send that can show how Russell died? Actually, that is very interesting.
Country Girl
i was chatting to an old aquaintance about some of the weid and wonderful conflicts that i had gone through when i left the jw's.
she works as a therapist of some renown locally, so i was interested in her viewpoint.
she said that, in her opinion, anyone who's adolescent development was overly restricted by, for example, their religion, would have to clear away the mental stuff that had been held back during this critical time.
I was raised as a Dub since I was 3 years old. I began "Mothering" my four little brothers at the age of 8. My childhood was spent changing diapers, babysitting, and looking after them at the meetings. I was depressed until I was 19, when I got out. Then I made a big mess of my life because of being so controlled the whole time and then going hog wild! I knew it was a lie at the age of 8. I don't know how I knew, just knew. I couldn't wait to get out. Fortunately, I didn't have one of those Mothers that was overly conservative. She encouraged me in art, music, theatre, reading all viewpoints, and sports. We were also given outside art and music lessons. However, there was also the "no dating", no football games, no boyfriends part, which totally screwed with me because I never learned out to interact with other kids. I did have a "secret" boyfriend in high school, but we weren't allowed to date outside of school. We would sneak away from school and go bowling.. hehheh. I lost him to a girl that put out. <grin> He wasn't worth it. But I didn't know I was depressed until I was finally out and I felt unburdened and more optimistic about the world. It was a relief.
Now I hate the religion with a passion that knows *no bounds*. It enrages me when Witnesses come around my house! It's all that bottled up anger... hopefully one day I'll learn to deal with it.
while we were in hawaii, we learned of another death in our extended family.
our niece, my brother's daughter, had a stepson who died unexpectedly on january 1. such a tragedy.
he was a well known musician, in our area, so it made the newspaper here.
I was so sorry to read of this. It sounds like he was a well-trained and well-loved muscian and friend. My thoughts are with your brother's family.